
A weekly course to give everyone a chance to ask the big questions about God and faith that we all have but never seem to have time to stop, ask and explore.

See below for more information and to sign up. Everyone is welcome. No matter your background or belief, you’re invited.

What do Alpha sessions look like?

Evenings begin with a free meal, followed by a video or short talk that explores a different aspect of the Christian faith. Then it's your turn. You’re free to ask or share any comments and questions you may have in small group discussions. The setting is open and friendly. That’s it. No follow up, no fee, it's up to you.

When is it?

Our next Alpha course starts on Tuesday 28th January. You’re welcome to come to the first one, as a taster, to see if it’s for you. If you’re interested, please sign up below. Questions? Please contact

Where is it?

At St Peter’s Vauxhall, London SE11 5HY.